Knowledge base your Documents

Convert any collection of documents into a secure, sharable and searchable resource. Turn your document data into information

Knowlege is POWER.

Make all your documents keyword searchable. This incredible time saver is as easy as uploading your documents.

Surounded by Security

Security first from authentication and authorization of your staff, to encryption everywhere (rest,transit,backup). Cachdocs® provides a secure searchable off-site storage location for your documents. Housed in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). A next-generation infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offering, architected on security-first design principles.

Cachedocs® is Currently under development. One of the Custom Applications by LACampanelli LLC.

Knowlege is POWER.

Cachedocs® is built utilizing Oracle‘s integrated full-text retrieval technology. Search, and analyze text and documents stored in the Oracle database, in files, and on the Web.

Cachedocs® can perform linguistic analysis on documents; search text using a variety of strategies including keyword searching, contextual queries, Boolean operations, pattern matching, mixed thematic queries and HTML/XML section searching.

Mixed queries; Searches that involve structured relational attributes as well as text.

Cachedocs® Formatted Search Results; Various formats including unformatted text, HTML with term highlighting, and original document format. it supports multiple languages and uses advanced relevance-ranking technology to improve search quality.

Tame your TEXT

Over the last few decades, organizations have invested heavily in systems that enable rapid access to structured data stored in database systems. However, this data represents a fraction of all corporate information. A far larger volume exists as text - in documents, web pages, manuals, reports, emails, and presentations. These valuable sources of business information are often inaccessible and not managed in a cost-effective manner. Users accessing organization information - whether they are employees visiting an intranet portal or buyers browsing a catalog - need sophisticated support from text search infrastructure to find what they want.

LACampanelli LLC.

We have the experience. Building mission critical applications as well as departmental applications for large and small firms alike. We utilize and leveage the world class Oracle public network, our concentration is application design, build out, and deployment.
We are flexible and will assist from a consulting standpoint, lead or become part of your team as augmented staff.